Funeral Ministry Needs You!
We are seeking new volunteers to help with set-up and serving and/or with providing side dishes and desserts.
Remembering Our Loved Ones
The parish will offer over 40 Masses this November for all the faithfully departed whose names are written in the Book of Memory located in the Narthex of the church.
Safe Environment Renewal 2024
Anyone that has not renewed as of July 1, 2024 is required to renew. The deadline is Sat, Nov 30.
Thanksgiving Meals
Our Lady of the Lake Parish and the Knights of Columbus are blessed to provide a delicious Thanksgiving meal to be served at the Columbian Hall, located at 186 London Bridge Road on Thanksgiving day from 12:00-2:00pm.
Upcoming Events
Open the Word
After the 8:30am Mass, we gather in the John Paul II garage for Share the Word on the up coming Sunday readings.
Parent Café
We welcome to the parent café all parents and caregivers with children from infants to high school age.
At St. Joseph's Hall
Mission Mass in Yucca
This is a reminder that the mission mass in Yucca is held on the second Saturday of the month. All are invited!
Should you have any questions please contact Toni Cain at 760-419-5455.
St. Vincent de Paul Fall Food Drive
This is St. Vincent’s semi-annual food drive to help all those who are in need.
A representative from St. Vincent de Paul will be handing out empty donation bags at the doors of the Church.
Our Lady of the Lake School PTO Fundraiser
20% of event sales will be donated.
Raise funds for our student's Educational Enrichment.
Pancakes and Burritos Breakfast Sale
The Religious Education Department will be serving a delicious Pancake Breakfast after the 7:00am, 8:45am, and 10:30am Masses.